Wednesday, May 15, 2019

The Clip

Ever since the beginning of human beings, there has always been the urge to being the most powerful and stronger one. All the fights, wars, everything happens just to prove who is the greatest of all.

Even after so many centuries, to date, we have the same urge. We all want to bang the first position in the race of power, strength, capabilities, etc. All our life we keep proving that we are the best, but does that even matter? Who the hell are we trying to prove ourselves to? There's no one to give the judgment. Even after putting every effort to be the highest, do we ever get satisfied?

Just one drawback, one mistake, one weakness, destroys all the empire you built. Your Wealth, your power cannot stand forever. It is not at all possible to be the strongest, time will come when you have to be inferior.

clothes peg

Now, look at the photo above. What we see is just an ordinary clothes peg used for hanging up clothes to get dry. Sometimes, what we do not understand our whole life, our nature makes us understand in a far better way and that too in a second.

Isn't it strange, that this ordinary clip is used to hold the clothes, even when it is so small and can be broken easily? It withstands strong winds, heat, every difficulty but never leaves the hold of the cloth.

Hence, it is not at all necessary to be the most powerful or the strongest. What matters is how content you are with yourselves. The clip has to hold the clothes all day, just because it is fulfilling the job contently it withstands almost every obstacle.

We all have to stop running after gaining power and think about what real power is. Is it the happiness that you want to achieve or the never lasting race for wealth, strength and power. Just keep this in mind that all the people who tried to prove themselves strong by making others sad could never stay strong enough to fight their weaknesses. No one can ever steal your satisfaction, but YOUR POWER, YOUR WEALTH CAN BE EASILY STOLEN.

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