Wednesday, May 15, 2019

The Clip

Ever since the beginning of human beings, there has always been the urge to being the most powerful and stronger one. All the fights, wars, everything happens just to prove who is the greatest of all.

Even after so many centuries, to date, we have the same urge. We all want to bang the first position in the race of power, strength, capabilities, etc. All our life we keep proving that we are the best, but does that even matter? Who the hell are we trying to prove ourselves to? There's no one to give the judgment. Even after putting every effort to be the highest, do we ever get satisfied?

Just one drawback, one mistake, one weakness, destroys all the empire you built. Your Wealth, your power cannot stand forever. It is not at all possible to be the strongest, time will come when you have to be inferior.

clothes peg

Now, look at the photo above. What we see is just an ordinary clothes peg used for hanging up clothes to get dry. Sometimes, what we do not understand our whole life, our nature makes us understand in a far better way and that too in a second.

Isn't it strange, that this ordinary clip is used to hold the clothes, even when it is so small and can be broken easily? It withstands strong winds, heat, every difficulty but never leaves the hold of the cloth.

Hence, it is not at all necessary to be the most powerful or the strongest. What matters is how content you are with yourselves. The clip has to hold the clothes all day, just because it is fulfilling the job contently it withstands almost every obstacle.

We all have to stop running after gaining power and think about what real power is. Is it the happiness that you want to achieve or the never lasting race for wealth, strength and power. Just keep this in mind that all the people who tried to prove themselves strong by making others sad could never stay strong enough to fight their weaknesses. No one can ever steal your satisfaction, but YOUR POWER, YOUR WEALTH CAN BE EASILY STOLEN.

Tuesday, May 7, 2019

NATURE IMAGES ( The Kingfisher )

Concentration is a must for each and every work that we do. We can never do our best if we remain distracted while performing our respective tasks.

Of all the successful people that we know, no one took his/her goals lightly. Not even one of them denies the fact that one should remain focused while performing his/her tasks. Take the example of Albert Einstein. He was not at all interested in what he was taught in school. Hence, he never focused on that but, he never lost his focus from what he was interested in.

nature images

All the great people that we know, devoted all their lives to their motives, to their respective fields without even thinking of anything else. At that moment people like us used to taunt them but we all remember the focused ones and not the distractors.

Now, look at the nature photography above, we see a Kingfisher. Kingfisher is a beautiful bird that we all love to see. This bird is a perfect example of  " concentrate on your goals and one day you will achieve them ".
nature photos

Whenever we see the bird it always keeps staring at some point or a thing, unless and until we disturb it. Kingfisher keeps concentrating on its prey and the moment it feels that this is the right time, it attacks its prey at once with its full strength.

This is a true lesson to all of us that whatsoever may happen never get distracted from your goals. Never let anything steal your aim from you because, in the end, PEOPLE LIKE TO HEAR YOUR ACHIEVEMENTS NOT YOUR EXCUSES.


We are always worried about our looks. Our surroundings have made us think so, and this anxiety keeps rising every time we step out.
Whenever we talk about beauty, we give examples of the moon and other celestial bodies because of their resemblance. Everything that is pretty to see and matches our imagination of beauty is what we call beautiful.

As we always have heard " beauty lies in the eyes of the beholder ", and it is true. What we feel is beautiful may not be the same for the others.
Beauty lies in each and every creation. We look at the moon, we praise it, look at the stars, we praise them and move on. Does beauty only lie in things?

Now here is the moon itself, you say it is beautiful, I say " NO, it is not ". Look at the moon carefully we see a lot of flaws there. The white beautiful ball filled with dark spots which never let the moon fully shine bright. Now the light coming from the moon, as we all know, is not of its own, it is the light coming from the sun that makes the moon look beautiful to us. Have you ever thought, after looking at the lone standing moon, Oh Wow! the sun is so nice and beautiful that it lets the moon look so pretty? No, we never say that.

So, all the things that seem beautiful but are not, you can say that it is all the matter of what side of the face are we looking at, the brighter one or the dull one. Because each thing looking beautiful may not be beautiful, on the other hand, the ugliest may be the prettiest of all. Same is the case with humans. We judge each other the moment we catch a glimpse, irrespective of the inner beauty that is just an interaction away. But do we interact with every person that we meet? No.

Hence all the things are beautiful because they are made by the beautiful. The creator is to be praised not the creation alone. We cannot always see the beauty at first, we see what at the other person presents us first, THE BEAUTY OR THE BEAST!