Monday, February 18, 2019


In whatsoever you try to find beauty in nature it will never disappoint you, for example, beautiful nature photography.
Life never disappoints us by giving ups and downs, the same way nature gives us the seasons.


What we see, is natural photography containing dew drops on a web. 

Normally webs don't attract us, do they? But the dewdrops make it look so beautiful just like a DIAMOND NECKLACE. Don't our lives offer us the same experience?

We have our webs, the burdens, and responsibilities that we are bounded to, but the special moments, just like the dewdrops in the photography, make them so special that we never stop ourselves from stepping in those webs.

Sometimes the webs are our choice , while the other times they aren't, but each web has its own dew. Maybe we can't find the PEARLS, in the beginning , we have to focus at them just like the nature images, but even if we find them late they never let our expectations down , they give us satisfaction that matters in the end like these beautiful photos.